Adding V:/AcademicsImport folder for FAME Uploads
Step 1: Log into your FAME instance and open the System Navigator window.
Step 2: Click on Attendance
Step 3: Click on Download Clock
Step 4: Click the Import Button
Step 5: Click the FAMEware on the top navigation bar. This will open the FAMEware folder
Step 6: Scroll down and RIGHT-click on the FAME ini file. (Note, make sure you right-click to open the Edit function)
Step 7: Scroll down to the bottom where it says AcadImportPath=s:\AcademicsImport. Change the “s” to a “v”. (this will ensure the Academics Import section in FAME Freedom will point to the “v” drive when importing the grade file. If nothing is listed, copy and paste the following on the last line: AcadImportPath=v:\AcademicsImport
Step 8: Click File and then Save
Process Complete
NEW PROCESS – adding AcademicsImport folder for uploads.
Any individual who uploads the files will need to add the following new folder off of their computer’s main C:/ drive exactly how it is spelled below (one word, no spaces, capital A and I).
MACs do not allow users to add a folder off of the main C:/ drive. If using a MAC you must do the following in order to export grades to FAME:
Step One: Locate the "User" folder within your Hard Drive
Step Two: Set up a new folder under Users > shared > "AcademicsImports"
Step Three: Put CVS file here from CourseKey to import to Freedom/FAME
*If you haven't already, please open a ticket with PMAE's IT team it to make sure your school's FAME is compatible with a MAC.
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