How to Grant Admin Permissions to Staff
Enabling select Admin users to manage permissions
- For a school to manage their permissions, at least one member of their team needs to be granted Manage School Admins permission. You will need to reach out to your school administration first to be given this access to provide admin permissions to other users
Promoting Staff to Admin
Users with Manage School Admins permission may now open the User Page for any of their staff and, within the User Info > Account view, promote a user from Staff to Admin by toggling the Admin switch. Don’t forget to save your changes!
Enabling specific permissions
When a Staff is promoted to Admin, there will be a new Admin Permissions table within the User Info > Schools view. Noting that permissions may be set on a per-school basis, enable permissions as is necessary for the user to complete CourseKey tasks relevant to their role. Don’t forget to save your changes!
These permissions can be enabled/disabled at any time as needs evolve for staff
Demoting an Admin to Staff
Demote an existing Admin user to Staff by toggling the Admin Account switch shown in the image below. Don’t forget to save your change!
Admin Permissions Definitions
Access All Courses (coming soon)
Access to view all courses at the school without requiring the admin to be added to individual course rosters. Notes:
- this will not affect the courses listed under the user's "Management > Courses" table, which will continue to display only the courses where the user has been added to the roster. However, the user will have access to any course at the configured school.
- this permission will not grant free access to the Course Discussion Inbox, as only Course Admins can view and post messages within that view
Access Dashboards
Access to Live Attendance, Insights, School Configurations, and Retention (if available).
Access Integration
Access to "Integration Insights" to monitor integration activity.
Access User Management
Access to view student, staff, and administrator profiles.
Access Reports
Access to view and download all CourseKey reports.
Change Password
Ability to reset a student's password.
Create Course
Ability to create courses one by one in the CourseKey user interface.
Create Makeup
Ability to award and edit student make-up time.
Edit Course
Ability to edit attendance schedule and course information.
Edit Users
Ability to edit student, staff, and administrator accounts and school information.
Manage Content Bank
Ability to create and edit assessments. Ability to share assessments to courses.
Manage Dashboard
Ability to configure settings related to school dashboards.
Manage Locations
Ability to create and edit GPS locations.
Manage Programs
Ability to create and edit programs, including all checklist data.
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