Creating & Managing Checklists
Watch this video to see how to create and edit checklists.
Inside of a program, all checklists can be created in draft form and edited before publishing them. Once a checklist is published, only the SSID and settings can be edited.
Add checklists to a program:
- The next step is to add checklist(s) to your program
- Click +Checklist
- Add your checklist name (ex: Practical Operations)
- Select the item count type, Amount (x) or Time (hrs) that you will use for this checklist
- Select the settings to allow students to submit checklist items for approval, or to allow students to go over required count if desired
- Click Save
Important: If you allow students to submit checklist items over required count, the amount over the required count will be documented but not included in the checklist total amount. This ensures your students don't complete their required hours/amounts early by going over on a particular operation or task.
Adding Items to Your Checklist:
Now that your checklist is created, you can add items to it
- Add item name, (ex: Hair Cut)
- Add a unique identifier (SISID) that matches the activity ID in your SIS so the data maps to the right place when importing
- Add the total number of haircuts that need to be completed or hours that are required based on the measurement you chose when you set up your checklist
- After each item is added click +Item to add the next item in your checklist.
- If you need to edit the checklist or delete your checklist and start over, the below items will walk you through how to do this.
- Once your checklist is complete, you will click the Next button to Publish the program.
Important: Even though you Publish the program, the checklist(s) will be unpublished so you can edit them if needed. There will be a separate step required in order to Publish your checklist(s).
Revising an Unpublished Checklist Item:
- While you are still creating your checklist, hover over the item you would like to revise and click on the edit symbol on the far right to change any field
Important: You are able to revise anything in an unpublished checklist, but only the SISID and Settings in a published checklist.
- After revising the item, click Save to save the revised item or X to revert back to the original item
Deleting an Unpublished Checklist:
- If you want to delete your checklist while you are still creating it, click on Delete located in the top right of the checklist
- Click Delete if you are sure you want to delete the checklist or Cancel to go back to your checklist
Changing the Settings in an Unpublished Checklist:
- If you want to change the settings of a checklist you are creating, click Settings in the top right corner of the checklist and you will be taken to the Edit Checklist popup window
- Make the revisions desired and click Save.
Changing the order of the items in your Unpublished Checklist:
- To change the order of the items on your checklist while you are still creating it, hover over the item, find the 6 dots to the far right of the item you want to move
- Click and drag the item where you would like it to be in your checklist
Admin I Content Training Review and Resource Guides
- How to create and manage programs
- How to create and manage checklists
- How to publish programs and checklists
- How to add students to programs
- How to approve and reject checklist items
- How students submit items for approval
- How students view their progress
- How to change student statuses
- How to add individual or bulk count on behalf of the student
- How to export program skills data out of CourseKey
- How to import program skills data into your Student Information System
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