Canvas to CourseKey LTI Integration
With the LTI integration for the CourseKey platform, your institution can provide a seamless experience for instructors and students to navigate to CourseKey from within the Canvas LMS. As our integration uses the LTI 1.3 Advantage standard, it allows users to bypass the login screen, to be automatically authenticated using SSO, and/or to be redirected to the corresponding course in CourseKey.
To add the LTI installation, permissioned Admin users follow a few simple steps to complete the initial setup within CourseKey and the Canvas LMS. Once the initial setup is complete, users can access CourseKey at any time from within the Canvas LMS. From within a course, they can click the ‘CourseKey’ link. (Note that the link can be configured to appear in the course-level navigation, an assignment, or other places within the course interface in the LMS.)
The CourseKey's LTI integration is available for both SIS-integrated and non SIS-integrated institutions that use the Canvas LMS.
- A match for the user’s email address between the SIS, the Canvas LMS, and CourseKey is required for authenticating the user in CourseKey.
- For SIS-integrated institutions that provision courses in CourseKey via an automated SIS integration, a match for the course’s SIS ID between the SIS, the Canvas LMS, and CourseKey is required for redirecting users to the corresponding course after the SSO to CourseKey.
- For non-SIS integrated institutions that provision courses in CourseKey using the batch CSV file import process (or via requests to the Add/Modify User API endpoints), a match for the course’s SIS ID between the Canvas LMS and CourseKey is required for redirecting users to the corresponding course after the SSO to CourseKey.
- For non SIS-integrated institutions that are not able to map courses between the Canvas LMS and CourseKey, users are authenticated into the CourseKey but not redirected to their course. In this case, they are redirected to the CourseKey’s Courses page, where they can navigate to their desired courses.
Adding the Installation
Step 1
To begin the installation, log in to the CourseKey Portal. Located at the bottom of the navy left navigation bar, is an icon labeled Integration (if you do not see the integration icon please reach out to to get added admin permissions to your profile). Select the Integration tab to slide open the secondary navigation and select LTI Advantage Set Up.
Select the green button + Installation button in the top right corner to add a new installation. Select Canvas as your Learning Management System (LMS).
Step 2
Next, enter the Install Description. This can be any title you choose that will help you distinguish between different installations if needed. In the drop-down, you’ll then select which Campuses you would like the installation to occur (If you have multiple campuses you will be able to install them simultaneously.).
To use the course mapping you’ll also need to enter the SIS ID Prefix and/or the set of SIS ID Suffixes. This ID will be located within Canvas. Within Canvas navigate to Admin>Courses> and you will find the SIS ID column. The prefix will be the text before the numeric code. It will include any special characters including underscores.
Step 3
Enter CourseKey configuration information into your LMS (Canvas). To locate this information head to the Admin tab (badge Icon with a key inside) of your LMS and select Developer Keys. Click the Developer Keys button and select Add LTI Key from the dropdown.
1. Navigate to the Admin tab in Canvas and select the +Developer Keys page from the menu.
2. Click the +Developer Key button and select add LTI Key from the drop-down.
3. Select Enter URL from the Method dropdown. Enter the information below:
- In the JSON URL, you will enter:
- Production:
- In the Redirection URL, you will enter:
- Production:
4. Click Save.
5. Copy the generated Client ID.
6. Go to the Settings tab on the LMS then to Apps > View App Configurations > + App select the By Client ID option on the dropdown menu and paste the client ID.
7. Click Submit and add the tool with the name CourseKey.
Step 4
Once you have added the LTI Key, the Canvas LMS will display your Client ID in the column labeled Details on the Developer Keys page. Return to CourseKey to enter the ID into the Client ID field. You will also need to enter your LMS URL (the URL your organization uses to access your system.) Select Finish to complete the installation!
Edit/Delete an Installation
To edit an existing installation select the pencil icon in the top right corner to open the edit modal. Here you can edit the description or add/remove campuses from the installation. If needed you can also edit the SIS ID Prefix and/or SIS ID Suffixes.
The installation can also be removed by selecting the trash can icon in the top right corner of the installation.
About Previous Installations
If your school or campus has a current LTI integration with CourseKey and Canvas using the LTI 1.1 protocol, you’ll first want to remove the old installation from Canvas, then continue with the steps above.
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