Integration Insights Dashboard
CourseKey’s career education software integrates with student information systems, learning management systems, and other systems to improve operations, attendance, retention, and compliance.
API integrations between CourseKey and other source and destination systems enable data to flow seamlessly from one system to the other, and allows automating the process of:
- creating, updating, and/or archiving rostering data from a student information system–including users, courses, schedules and rosters;
- syncing course assignments and student submissions from a learning management system, to allow tracking attendance in asynchronous/blended courses;
- posting students' attendance and last activity data to a student information system, to enable student progress and compliance monitoring; and/or
- syncing course assignment and assignment grades from a learning management system, to enable student academic progress monitoring and student success/retention activities.
The Integration Insights Dashboard provides visibility into data exchanges across integrated systems with CourseKey, so school administrators and their IT personnel and system administrators can be confident that their requests are successful and that their rostering data is complete. The dashboard also supports the data management activities of system administrators, by surfacing actionable insights to resolve any errors that might occur during data exchanges between their school systems and CourseKey.
Locating the Dashboard
Only school administrators with the relevant permissions are able to view the Integration Insights Dashboard.
- Log in to your account on the web application and click on the Integration button on the left of the screen.
- Select Insights in the top navigation.
- Select the desired Campus from the drop-down list
The drop-down includes a list of all of the campuses you are an administrator for. The first campus in the list is selected by default, and the dashboard is populated with data for that campus, using the last 7 days as a default date range. You can choose any individual campus you’d like to view data for, and use the Date Filter to select a date range.
Learn More
Clicking the Learn More button opens up a modal with helpful resources, including this article as well as links to:
- CouseKey Services (API) Documentation
- CourseKey API Integrations: Error Code Dictionary
- Report an Incident (and contact the CourseKey Support team)
Clicking the X button on the top right corner of the modal will close it.
Adjusting the Date Range
The Date Filter in the top right corner of the dashboard provides flexibility by allowing you to select the date range of the data that you want to review. If no selection is made for the Date Filter, the dashboard is populated with data for the last 7 days as a default date range. The drop-down menu allows you to select a Start Date and End Date, which will update the data displayed on the dashboard. The timezone of your Internet browser is used for presenting date and timestamp data in the dashboard.
Download a Dataset
You can scroll through any of the reports within the dashboard with the navigation arrows in the bottom right corner of each report. However, you can easily download the information as a .csv, .xlsx, or .json file, for further analysis using your favorite spreadsheet program.
- Hover over the report to display the download icon in the top right corner.
- Select the download icon.
- Select the desired file output type.
Dashboard Overview
The dashboard is organized into three sections.
Enabled Integrations (Data Sync Jobs) |
An overview of enabled data integration jobs for a campus, including information on frequency of each configured data sync. |
SIS Sync Status Report (Data-in) |
A snapshot of existing CourseKey data and details of recent data syncs from your SIS to CourseKey, including attempted syncs, existing records and updated CourseKey data. Data is presented by record type, including courses, users, course members (enrollments) and course attendance sessions. |
SIS Sync Status Report (Data-out) |
A snapshot of recent data syncs from CourseKey to your SIS, including the latest attendance data sent to the SIS. |
The dashboard includes various summarized and detailed reports of your campus’ data and data sync logs within the CourseKey system for different record types, including courses, users, course members (enrollments), course attendance sessions and attendance postings.
Detailed Record Lists
Detailed lists of your campus’ course, user, course member (enrollment) and course attendance session records are included in the dashboard. Each of these detailed reports includes data points relevant to each record type, along with calculated attributes to note whether a record existed before or was created and/or updated within the date range of the Date Filter, and if it is currently archived.
Data Sync Logs Report
Detailed reports of data sync logs for your campus (including courses, users, course members, course attendance sessions and attendance postings) are provided in the sections that follow within the dashboard. Each of these detailed reports includes data points relevant to each record type–based on parameters used in API requests, along with some calculated data points to facilitate system administration tasks. For API attempted transactions that resulted in an error, these reports will include details on the error message. A list of common errors has been compiled in the Integration Error Code Dictionary to help system administrators in resolving issues with their campus’ data integrations.
Enabled Integrations (Data Sync Jobs)
The Enabled Integrations (Data Sync Jobs) section of the dashboard provides an overview of enabled data integration jobs for a campus, including information on frequency of each configured data sync. Data in this section is not dependent on the date range selected in the Date Filter.
Integration Job Details
Integration Job Details provides an overview of enabled data integration jobs for a campus, based on contracted managed services with CourseKey and/or other third-party vendors. Entries are presented in sets of 9, ordered by the job name, and including details for each data integration job.
Source System |
The system that sources the data. |
Destination System |
The system that receives the data. |
Integration Type |
Indicates whether the data integration job is managed by CourseKey, or a third-party vendor. For data integration jobs managed by a third-party vendor, information and feature requests should be sent directly to them. |
Job |
The name of the data integration job. |
Description |
A description of the data integration job, including the type of records that are synced. |
Frequency/Schedule |
A description on how often and the time(s) the data integration job is scheduled to run. The frequency and schedule of a data integration job is specific to each campus. |
SIS Sync Status Report (Data-in)
The SIS Sync Status Report (Data-in) section of the dashboard includes reports that provide an overview of recent data syncs from your SIS to CourseKey including attempted syncs; and existing, new, updated and archived CourseKey data for courses, users, course member (enrollments) and course attendance sessions.
System Data Summary
System Data Summary is a snapshot of your campus’ existing data in the CourseKey system, along with a count of records synced within the date range selected in the Date Filter. The table includes counts of existing, created, updated, and archived records for courses, users, course members and course attendance sessions.
Detailed lists of your campus’ course, user, course member and course attendance session records are provided in the sections that follow within the dashboard. These include detailed data for the aggregated insights in this table.
Existing |
A count of records that existed in the system before the selected date range. By default, the report filters records that have been created or updated within the last 6 months (180 days). |
Created |
A count of records added to the system within the selected date range. |
Updated |
A count of records in the system that were updated during the selected date range. This may include records that were created and then updated within the given date range. NOTE: Any record may be updated by an integration job, by actions completed by users, or by automated tasks within the CourseKey application. For example, the UpdatedAt property of a student’s user record is updated when the Last Activity Record (LAR) updates for a student. |
Archived |
A count of records that are not active in the system currently. NOTE: For course attendance sessions, when a future scheduled session is deleted, the record is completely removed from the system. Only past sessions are marked as archived when deleted. |
Attempted Data Syncs
Attempted Data Syncs is a snapshot of attempted SIS data sync transactions and errors recorded for your campus’ data integrations with CourseKey, during the date range selected in the Date Filter. The table includes counts of attempted transactions and errors for your course, user, course member and course attendance session data syncs.
Attempted syncs refer to requests made via API, to add, update or delete record(s) within the CourseKey system. The report uses logic to identify data sync transactions for distinct records based on data points recorded in the API logs.
NOTE: No results! is displayed when there is no data to display in a report. If no data is displayed for your campus in any of the data sync logs reports, it may be because there is no API integration job enabled for the campus. Also, no data is displayed in a report when there is no data recorded in the CourseKey system for the date range selected.
Detailed reports of data sync logs for your campus (including courses, users, course members and course attendance sessions) are provided in the sections that follow within the dashboard. These include detailed data for the aggregated insights in this table.
Distinct Attempted Data Syncs |
DistinctSyncs is a count of recorded attempted data sync transactions on any record within the date range of the report. Any data sync transaction may be attempted/executed more than once for a given record, and resulting in one or more success or error transactions recorded in the API logs. Any distinct attempted data sync transaction on a record (e.g., updating a record with particular property values) is counted only once. |
Distinct Attempted Data Sync Errors |
DistinctErrors is a count of errors recorded for any attempted data sync transaction on any record within the date range of the report. |
Last Attempted Data Sync Errors |
LastErrors is a count of errors recorded for the last attempted data sync transaction on any record within the date range of the report. This count serves as an indicator on the number of distinct records for which the last data sync transaction resulted in an error. You may want to review the details on these attempted data sync transactions to correct any reported errors. |
Detailed Course List
Detailed Course List is a detailed report, in a tabular format, of all of your campus’ courses that have been created or updated in the CourseKey system within the last 6 months (180 days). The report includes details on each course record such as the ID, addcode, name, title, start date/time, end date/time, instructor name, attendance name configuration, and days of the week that the course meets. The report also shows whether a course record existed before or was created and/or updated within the date range of the Date Filter, and if it is currently archived.
The report is paginated and presented in sets of 9 entries, which by default, are ordered by the course’s Title, Name, and StartDateTime. You may click on any column header to sort the entries, and/or download the dataset for further analysis using the spreadsheet program of your choice.
Course Data Sync Logs
Course Data Sync Logs is a report, in tabular format, of aggregated data on error/success transactions for creating or updating courses within the date range of the Date Filter. Data used in this report comes from API logs, including parameters used in the API requests to add or update a course. Given that CourseKey data integration jobs may execute any data sync transaction (add or update) on a course multiple times and over multiple days, this report uses logic to approximate the identification of distinct course records based on parameters provided in the API requests (including the course’s Name; and AddCode, MappingID, or CourseID).
The report is paginated and presented in sets of 9 entries, which by default, are ordered by the course’s Name, AddCode and CourseID; and the LastTransactionDateTime. You may click on any column header to sort the entries, and/or download the dataset for further analysis using the spreadsheet program of your choice.
Along with data for parameters used in the API requests to add or update a course, this report includes some calculated data points to facilitate system administration tasks.
Transaction Type |
TransactionType indicates the type of request–create or update. |
Status |
Status indicates the result of the request–success or error. |
Message |
Message returned for a request that resulted in an “error”. No message is recorded for requests that result in “success”. Review the list of possible errors in the Integration Error Code Dictionary to identify the action needed to resolve. |
Last Attempted Date |
LastAttemptedDate is the last day any distinct API request on a course was made. |
First Attempted Date |
FirstAttemptedDate is the last day any distinct API request on a course was made. |
Attempted Count |
AttemptedCount is a count of the number of times any distinct API request on a course was made. |
Last Attempt |
LastAttempt will include an asterisk “*” to indicate that this was the last attempted request for a given course. For entries that the report logic identifies as the last attempt, the entire record will be highlighted in light blue. |
User Accounts
Detailed User List
Detailed User List is a detailed report, in a tabular format, of all of your campus’ user accounts that have been created or updated in the CourseKey system within the last 6 months (180 days). The report includes details on each user account record such as the user’s school ID number (issued ID), email address, first and last name, and user type (student, staff, or administrator). The report also notes whether a user account record existed before or was created and/or updated within the date range of the Date Filter, and if it is currently archived.
The report is paginated and presented in sets of 9 entries, which by default, are ordered by the user’s LastName, FirstName, and IssuedID. You may click on any column header to sort the entries, and/or download the dataset for further analysis using the spreadsheet program of your choice.
User Account Data Sync Logs
User Account Data Sync Logs is a report, in tabular format, of aggregated data on error/success transactions for creating or updating user accounts within the date range of the Date Filter. Data used in this report comes from API logs, including parameters used in the API requests to add or update a user. Given that CourseKey data integration jobs may execute any data sync transaction (add or update) on a user account multiple times and over multiple days, this report uses logic to approximate the identification of distinct user account records based on parameters provided in the API requests (including the user account’s UserID, MappingID, IssuedID, or ).
The report is paginated and presented in sets of 9 entries, which by default, are ordered by the user’s Email, IssuedID, Mapping ID and UserID; and the LastTransactionDateTime. You may click on any column header to sort the entries, and/or download the dataset for further analysis using the spreadsheet program of your choice.
Along with data for parameters used in API requests to add or update a user, this report includes some calculated data points to facilitate system administration tasks.
Transaction Type |
TransactionType indicates the type of request–create or update. |
Status |
Status indicates the result of the request–success or error. |
Message |
Message returned for a request that resulted in an “error”. No message is recorded for requests that result in “success”. Review the list of possible errors in the Integration Error Code Dictionary to identify the action needed to resolve. |
Last Attempted Date |
LastAttemptedDate is the last day any distinct API request on a user account was made. |
First Attempted Date |
FirstAttemptedDate is the last day any distinct API request on a user account was made. |
Attempted Count |
AttemptedCount is a count of the number of times any distinct API request on a user account was made. |
Last Attempt |
LastAttempt will include an asterisk “*” to indicate that this was the last attempted request for a given user account. For entries that the report logic identifies as the last attempt, the entire record will be highlighted in light blue. |
Course Members (Enrollments)
Detailed Course Member List
Detailed Course Member List is a detailed report, in a tabular format, of all of your campus’ course member (enrollment) records that have been created or updated in the CourseKey system within the last 6 months (180 days). The report includes details on each course member record such as the course’s ID and name; and the user's first and last name, email address, and school ID number (issued ID). The report also notes whether a course member record existed before or was created and/or updated within the date range of the Date filter, and if it is currently archived.
The report is paginated and presented in sets of 9 entries, which by default, are ordered by the course’s Title, Name and StartDateTime; and user’s LastName, FirstName and IssuedID. You may click on any column header to sort the entries, and/or download the dataset for further analysis using the spreadsheet program of your choice.
Course Member Data Sync Logs
Course Member Data Sync Logs is a report, in tabular format, of aggregated data on error/success transactions for creating or updating course members (enrollments) within the date range of the Date Filter. Data used in this report comes from API logs, including parameters used in the API requests to add or update an enrollment. Given that CourseKey data integration jobs may execute any data sync transaction (add or update) on an enrollment multiple times and over multiple days, this report uses logic to approximate the identification of distinct course member records based on parameters provided in the API requests (including the enrollment’s MappingID; the user’s Email; or the course’s CourseID, AddCode and Name).
The report is paginated and presented in sets of 9 entries, which by default, are ordered by the user’s Email, IssuedID, MappingID and UserID; and the LastTransactionDateTime. You may click on any column header to sort the entries, and/or download the dataset for further analysis using the spreadsheet program of your choice.
Along with data on parameters used in API requests to add or update an enrollment, this report includes some calculated data points to facilitate system administration tasks.
Transaction Type |
TransactionType indicates the type of request–create or update. |
Status |
Status indicates the result of the request–success or error. |
Message |
Message returned for a request that resulted in an “error”. No message is recorded for requests that result in “success”. Review the list of possible errors in the Integration Error Code Dictionary to identify the action needed to resolve. |
Last Attempted Date |
LastAttemptedDate is the last day any distinct API request on a course member was made. |
First Attempted Date |
FirstAttemptedDate is the last day any distinct API request on a course member was made. |
Attempted Count |
AttemptedCount is a count of the number of times any distinct API request on a course member was made. |
Last Attempt |
LastAttempt will include an asterisk “*” to indicate that this was the last attempted request for a given course member record. For entries that the report logic identifies as the last attempt, the entire record will be highlighted in light blue. |
Course Attendance Sessions
Detailed Course Attendance Session List
Detailed Course Attendance Session List is a detailed report, in a tabular format, of all of your campus’ course attendance session records that have been created or updated in the CourseKey system within the last 6 months (180 days). The report includes details on each course attendance session record such as the course’s ID and name; and the scheduled session’s start date and time, end date and time, check-in window and check-out window. The report also notes whether a course attendance session record existed before or was created and/or updated within the date range of the Date Filter, and if it is currently archived.
NOTE: Check-in and check-out window’s date and time are calculated using the offset amount of minutes configured for the campus.
The report is paginated and presented in sets of 9 entries, which by default, are ordered by the course’s Title, Name, and StartDateTime; and the scheduled session’s StartDateTime. You may click on any column header to sort the entries, and/or download the dataset for further analysis using the spreadsheet program of your choice.
Course Attendance Session Data Sync Logs
Course Attendance Session Data Sync Logs is a report, in tabular format, of aggregated data on error/success transactions for creating or deleting course attendance sessions within the date range of the Date Filter. Data used in this report comes from API logs, including parameters used in the API requests to create, bulk create, delete, or bulk delete attendance sessions. Given that CourseKey data integration jobs may execute any data sync transaction (create or delete) on a course attendance session(s) multiple times and over multiple days, this report uses logic to approximate the identification of distinct course attendance session records based on parameters provided in the API requests (including the course attendance session’s MappingID, StartDate and AttendanceID; or the course’s CourseID, AddCode or Name).
The report is paginated and presented in sets of 9 entries, which by default, are ordered by the course’s Name and AddCodeOrID; the scheduled course attendance session’s MappingID, StartDate and StartTime; and the LastTransactionDateTime. You may click on any column header to sort the entries, and/or download the dataset for further analysis using the spreadsheet program of your choice.
Along with data on parameters used in API requests to create, bulk create, delete, or bulk delete attendance sessions, this report includes some calculated data points to facilitate system administration tasks.
Transaction Type |
TransactionType indicates the type of request–create, bulk create, delete or bulk delete. |
Status |
Status indicates the result of the request–success or error. |
Message |
Message returned for a request that resulted in an “error”. No message is recorded for requests that result in “success”. Review the list of possible errors in the Integration Error Code Dictionary to identify the action needed to resolve. |
Last Attempted Date |
LastAttemptedDate is the last day any distinct API request on a course member was made. |
First Attempted Date |
FirstAttemptedDate is the last day any distinct API request on a course attendance session was made. |
Attempted Count |
AttemptedCount is a count of the number of times any distinct API request on a course attendance session was made. |
Last Attempt |
LastAttempt will include an asterisk “*” to indicate that this was the last attempted request for a given course attendance session record. For entries that the report logic identifies as the last attempt, the entire record will be highlighted in light blue. |
SIS Sync Status Report (Data-out)
The SIS Sync Status Report (Data-out) section of the dashboard includes a report that provides an overview of recent attendance posting data syncs from CourseKey to your SIS.
Attendance Posting Data Sync Logs
Attendance Posting Data Sync Logs is a report, in tabular format, of aggregated data on error/success transactions for posting attendance records for your campus from CourseKey to your SIS.
NOTE: This report will show results only for campuses that are enabled for the CourseKey’s postAttendances data integration job.
Data used in this report comes from API logs, including parameters used in the API requests to log attendance posting for students’ time present or time absent for each course attendance session within a course. Given that CourseKey data integration jobs may execute any data sync transaction on an attendance posting multiple times and over multiple days, this report uses logic to approximate the identification of distinct attendance posting records based on parameters provided in the API requests (including the user’s UserID and the attendance posting’s AttendanceID or RecordID, MappingID, TimeAttended and TimeAbsent).
The report is paginated and presented in sets of 9 entries, which by default, are ordered by the user’s UserID and MappingID, the attendance posting’s AttendanceID or RecordID, and the LastTransactionDateTime). You may click on any column header to sort the entries, and/or download the dataset for further analysis using the spreadsheet program of your choice.
Along with data on parameters used in API requests to log attendance posting, this report includes some calculated data points to facilitate system administration tasks.
Post Attendance Status |
PostAttendanceStatus indicates the result of the request to post a student’s course attendance to the SIS. |
Message |
Message returned for a request that resulted in an “error” posting a student’s course attendance to the SIS. No message is recorded for requests that result in “success”. |
Last Attempted Date |
LastAttemptedDate is the last day any distinct API request on a student’s course attendance posting was made. |
First Attempted Date |
FirstAttemptedDate is the last day any distinct API request on a student’s course attendance posting was made. |
Attempted Count |
AttemptedCount is a count of the number of times any distinct API request on a student’s course attendance posting was made. |
Last Attempt |
LastAttempt will include an asterisk “*” to indicate that this was the last attempted request for a given student’s course attendance posting. For entries that the report logic identifies as the last attempt, the entire record will be highlighted in light blue. |
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