View Credit Hour Attendance in Student Management
Selecting a course from a student profile in student management displays an overview of the student's attendance progress for the course. Selecting a session will provide all of the details of the student's status change within that session. This article will cover the attendance details for courses configured with credit hour attendance.
1. Select Students from the left navigation bar.
2. Search and select a student from the table display.
3. Verify you're viewing courses in the secondary navigation and select a course.
For more information on navigating within User Management check out the article: Admin Management of Student CourseKey Accounts
Course Progress Overview
Beneath the course information is a progress bar for the student's attendance in that course. The bar as a whole is the cumulative points of all attendance sessions that have been completed or scheduled for the course. The total time is broken down in to three different sections.
Starting on the left hand side the dark blue color indicates the total points earned by the student, excluding any time for attendance sessions that are currently in progress.
The light blue color indicates the amount of points that the student missed for attendance sessions that are completed.
The right end of the progress bar in grey is the total points remaining in all scheduled attendance sessions in the course (including attendance sessions currently in progress).
Below the progress bar are two or three gauges that display the percentage of attendance sessions that the student was On-Time, Late, or Absent. These gauges do not include future attendance sessions, and they are not impacted by the amount of points awarded per session.
Attendance Session Records
The session records list the date and time for each completed attendance session along with the student's most recently recorded status for that session. The status is color coded as follows:
Green: On-Time
Blue: Late
Red: Absent
In the top right corner of the session records you can sort through the sessions based on the most recently recorded status, or you can select to view only the sessions that have been modified by an instructor or administrator.
Session Transaction Details
Selecting an attendance session record will display all of the transaction details and status changes for that session. Just like the transaction page in the course gradebook, an overview is shown on top and the details are listed below.
Any adjustments to the student's status can be updated in the Attendance List within the course. For more information check out the article:
How to Edit Attendance Records for Points Based Classes
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