Create Users
New student and instructor CourseKey accounts can be created in bulk using the module setup. First you will need to create a CSV file with the relevant user information for each account you want to create. After the file is complete, you will select your preferences in sending welcome emails and creating a custom password for the new accounts. The final step is to upload the file in your Admin Portal.
Admin permissions, such as viewing the school dashboard, can not be applied through this process. Please reach out to your account manager if you need to give admin access to an instructor or create a new admin.
Step 1 - Creating the CSV File
The CSV file has 6 required fields for each CourseKey user that you want to create.
Field | Description | Example |
firstName | First name of the user. | Jane |
lastName | Last name of the user. | Doe |
Email address of the user. | | |
isTeacher | Flag that designates role of user. If user is a student, enter 0. If user is an instructor/admin, enter 1. | 0 |
issuedID | Unique student identifier, usually connected to the student's records. | 14872592 |
schoolID | Unique CourseKey identifier for your school or campus. | 648572 |
At the bottom of this article are two attachments. The Create Users Template CSV file includes the header row with all of the required fields. Each user that you want to create should be listed on an individual row underneath. The Create Users Example CSV file is also available to be used as a reference when creating your file.
If you do not know the schoolID for your school or campus, contact your account manager.
Step 2 - Welcome Email and Passwords
When you've finished creating your file, log in to your account and select Set Up from the left navigation. Then, select Create Users from the secondary navigation menu.
You'll have two options before you upload your file.
Send welcome emails
A welcome email can be sent to the users to let them know that their CourseKey account has been created. If you would like to send the welcome email, select the checkbox.
If you do not send a welcome email be sure to make note of your custom password and communicate it to the new account holders.
Create custom password
Select the checkbox to Create custom password, and in the available field enter a custom password that will be applied to all accounts you are creating. This is a generic password that is only used the first time the user logs in. After logging in, the user will be prompted to personalize their password.
If your CSV file includes an email address for a user that already has an account, entering a custom password may override their current password. This is dependent on the custom configurations for your school or campus.
Step 3 - Upload File
Upload File
After selecting the options you can click near the folder icon to Attach File, or drag and drop your file for upload.
When your file is selected, click Upload File. When your file has finished processing the results of the upload will be displayed including how many users were successfully created, updated, or if any errors occurred.
Possible Errors
File Error
If a required field is not included as a column in the file an error message will be received and none of the users will be created. The error message will indicate which required fields are missing. In this instance it’s best to correct the original file. Add the missing information and reupload the file.
Row Error
Alternatively, the file may import successfully, but some of the individual rows may fail. The upload summary will indicate how many rows were successful, and how many rows had errors. Each error message will indicate which row failed and why. Users that were not created successfully should be added to a new CSV file with the appropriate corrections and reuploaded.
Potential row errors are listed in the table below.
Error | Description |
Duplicate email with row # | User cannot be created twice. Review both row numbers indicated. |
Unauthorized school | The account used to upload the file does not have admin permissions at the school listed. |
Validation isEmail on email failed | Email address listed is not a valid email. Example: |
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