Create Courses
The Module Setup Create Course feature is available for school administrators to simplify the course creation process. With a single CSV file, you can create courses in bulk across multiple campuses. The course settings in your school configurations, for example, the selected attendance technology or check-in grace period, will be applied to all courses.
If your school configuration is set to auto-schedule attendance sessions they will be created based on the start/end date and times provided for the course.
Step 1 - Creating the CSV File
The CSV file has 12 required fields for each course that you want to create. An additional field, attendanceName , is only required if your school or campus has multiple configurations.
Field | Description | Example |
schoolID | Unique CourseKey identifier for your school or campus. | 548156 |
name | Course name | BIO101 |
title | Course title | Introduction to Biology |
startDate | Start date for a course. Must follow the format MM/DD/YYYY | 6/21/2019 |
endDate | End date for the course | 8/10/2019 |
startTime | The starting time of the course/attendance session. Format is in military time. | 8:00:00 |
endTime | The ending time of the course/attendance session. Format is in military time. | 14:00:00 |
timeZone | Timezone for courses (important for auto-scheduled courses). Timezone string must be one from this list: | America/Los_Angeles |
days | Days of the week that class meets. Separate multiple days with a pipe (|). | Monday|Wednesday|Friday |
instructorName | Name of the instructor or instructors. Does not need to be tied to any email address. | Dr. Peter Parker and Dr. Tony Stark |
owner | Email address for the instructor or head registrar. Email address must match an existing CourseKey account. | |
admin | Email address for the course admin (same permissions as instructor). Email address must match an existing CourseKey account. | |
attendanceName | Conditionally Required for schools with multiple course configurations. This selects the desired configuration for the course. | CONFIGB |
Multiple configurations are used when groups of courses need different settings applied during the setup process, for instance, courses that use different attendance technology, or clock vs credit hour courses. If your school does not have multiple configurations, do not include an attendanceName column in your CSV file. If you are unsure of the configurations for your school, contact your account manager.
At the bottom of this article are two attachments. The Create Course Template CSV file includes the header row with all of the required fields. Each course that you want to create should be listed on an individual row underneath. The Create Course Example CSV file is also available to be used as a reference when creating your file.
Step 2 - File Upload
When you've finished creating your file, log in to your account and select Set Up from the left navigation. Then, select Create Courses from the secondary navigation menu.
Return CSV with Join Codes
Before uploading a file, select the checkbox to Return CSV with Join Codes.
This will return a CSV file with the join codes (also known as an addCode ) for your courses. This is important because the join code is a unique identifier that is needed in order to enroll students in the courses. This file will also include a result column that will indicate if your upload was successful or if any errors occurred.
In some cases it may be an option to create an addCode prior to creating your courses and uploading the CSV file. If this is needed contact your account manager.
Upload File
After selecting the options you can click near the folder icon to Attach File, or drag and drop your file for upload.
Review the returned CSV file results for any errors.
Possible Errors
File Error
If a required field is not included as a column in the file an error message will be received and none of the courses will be created. The error message will indicate which required fields are missing. In this instance, it’s best to correct the original file. Add the missing information and reupload the file.
Row Error
Alternatively, the file may import successfully, but some of the individual rows may fail. The upload summary will indicate how many rows were successful, and how many rows had errors. Each error message will indicate which row failed and why. Courses that were not created successfully should be added to a new CSV file with the appropriate corrections and reuploaded. (Do not reupload the file with successfully created course rows.)
Potential row errors are listed in the table below.
Error | Description |
Course missing the following fields: | One course row is missing a required value. |
Invalid start date: | Example: 2018-13-31 |
Invalid end date: | Example: 2018-13-31 |
Invalid course days: | Example: ‘TBD’ |
Unauthorized school: | The account used to upload the file does not have admin permissions at the school listed. |
School does not exist | SchoolID is incorrect. |
Owner does not exist: | Email provided for course owner does not belong to a CourseKey account. |
Admin does not exist | Email provided for course admin/instructor does not belong to a CourseKey account. |
File has too many lines | Max is 1001 |
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