How to Use Course Discussion
CourseKey’s course discussion can be used by students and instructors to communicate with the whole class both inside and outside of the classroom. It is often used by students to ask questions to their peers or forming study groups and by instructors to share supplemental course materials.
Using Course Discussion
1. From the home screen, select the Course you are working with.
2. Click on Discussion in the left sidebar navigation.
3. Type your message into the text bar at the bottom of the page and click on the Send button.
When you send a message it will appear at the bottom of the feed and will send an alert to all students that have notifications enabled. If students do not have notifications enabled they will not see an alert, but the message can still be viewed when they open chat.
Removing a Message in Discussion
Instructors and admins can delete messages, no matter who sent it. Students, however, cannot delete any messages. Not even their own. To delete a chat message, follow these steps:
1. Click the "X" icon located to the left of the message you wish to remove from the Class Discussion.
2. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Delete button.
Attaching Resources to Course Discussion
1. Click on the Attachment icon located to the left of the text bar to bring up your device file directory.
2. Select the file you want to upload to the course chat.
3. Click Open and your file will be immediately added to chat. (You will not need to click send.)
Posting a YouTube Video in the Course Discussion
1. Find the YouTube video you wish to share in the Course Discussion and Copy the URL from the browser search bar.
2. Paste the URL into the chat text bar at the bottom of the page.
3. Click Send.
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