How to Create a Short Answer Question
Here we will discuss the details of creating a short answer question in CourseKey. For the basics of creating a question check out the article:
How to Create Questions for Assessments
Short answer questions allow students to respond with brief, free-form answers, like phrases or numbers. Once you’ve chosen Short Answer as your question type, follow these steps to create your question.
Short Answer Questions
1. Enter a question prompt in the Compose Question area.
Set Correct Answers
1. Enter the number of Points you want awarded for a correct answer
2. In the Allow drop down menu, select either Exact match or Any text containing.
a. Exact Match - student responses must exactly match the set correct value
b. Any Text Containing - student responses will be marked correct if any part matches the set correct value
3. Enter the correct answer in the Value section.
4. To set an Alternate correct answer click the blue plus sign and repeat steps 1-3.
More Options
1. If you want correct points to be tied to case sensitivity, check the Case Sensitive box. If not, leave it unchecked.
2. Enter the Character Limit for student responses.
3. Enter the number of points you want awarded for Participation.
Enable Auto Scoring is set as the default. If you would prefer to manually grade your short answer questions, click to remove the check from this box. This will remove the scoring options and provide a place to enter the total points possible.
4. Confirm your folder selection and click Save.
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