Create Contacts
External contacts refer to individuals or entities outside of your institution with whom communication occurs for various purposes. These external contacts do not have a CourseKey account. In the context of clinical education or professional training, external contacts often include supervisors or preceptors at clinical sites. For your convenience, the Create Contacts Template is located at the bottom of the page.
Step 1 - Creating the CSV File
The CSV file has 4 required fields for each external contact that you want to create.
Step 2 - Navigate to the Create Contacts page
Once you have completed creating your CSV file, login to your CourseKey account and navigate to the "Imports" section in the left-hand menu. From there, choose "Create Contacts" from the secondary navigation menu.
Step 3 - Drag and Drop or Attach Your CSV File
Simply drag and drop your CSV file or click to attach it.
Step 4 - Add the School
Select the relevant school with which the provided external contacts and sites are affiliated.
Step 5 - Upload Your File
After attaching your CSV file and selecting the school, click “Upload.” Once the file has finished processing, the Upload Summary will be displayed, showing the number of users successfully created, updated, or any encountered errors.
Possible Errors
Field (Column Header) Error
If a required field (column header) is missing from the uploaded file, an error message will appear on the Create Contacts page, and none of the contacts will be generated. The error message will specify the missing required fields. In such cases, it's advisable to correct the original file by adding the missing information and then reuploading it.
Row Error
Alternatively, while the file may import successfully, certain individual rows could encounter issues. The Upload Summary will specify the number of successful rows and the number of rows with errors. Each error message will identify the failed row and its reason for failure. Contacts that weren't created successfully should be added to a new CSV file with the necessary corrections and then reuploaded.
Potential row errors are listed below.
Site Error
If the site names are entered incorrectly, an error message will show up on the Create Contacts page, preventing any contacts from being generated. If you encounter this error message after attaching your file, please revisit Step 1 (top of this page) for guidance on entering site names correctly and then upload the file again.
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